Wednesday 10 July 2013

Artist Statement (Assignment 2)

This is how the final artwork would look like.

Material used : papers, black markers.

Theme : black and white

Artist Statement : There's two type of typography mixed in this media. This is to show the split personality or the difference between one another. Each and every one of us do have split personality,however not as crucial as Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID). We would control how we behave and our personality when we are around friends or family. However,when we are alone, our other persona take in charge of us. Example, we would be smiling and cheerful around people we knew but when we are walking alone or being alone,we tend to get all depressed and build a wall. Another example would be we are nice when we are socializing but no one knew,when we are alone, we would try to commit suicide.

Artist Treatment : Paper mount on a board.

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