Wednesday 10 July 2013

My Ideas






My artwork for Assignment 2 is about ' THE SPLIT'

THE SPLIT or known as the double personality, lies in everyone. Most of the time, our personality will shown when we are out socializing(when we are behaving,making contact with people),while the other half is when we are alone.

Crucial double personality is a state of dissociation in which the individual presents personas to others at different times as two different person, each with a different name and different personality traits. The two personalities are generally independent, contrasting , and unaware of the existence of the other.

In older media, it will often be called "schizophrenia" even by psychologist characters.As it is understood to modern psychology, the condition is thought to sometimes result when a child/teen copes with abuse by convincing themselves that it's happening to someone else; as such, the trigger is generally some experience the child/teen is trying to dissociate themselves from, by means of creating an "alter" who gets put in charge. Note that without recieving psychological counseling the symptoms will carry over into adulthood. The individual has no control (at least initially) over when the personalities "switch," and may not initially remember what happens to them while they are switched.

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